The concept of chi and qigong

The concept of chi and qigong

The concept of qi is the base for all of eastern culture. Without affecting its meaning in detail, here we say only a few points that you need to know when doing qigong.

Qi has no exact match in English and suggests several meanings: internal energy, air, breath and even mood. Anyway, we are talking about energy substance that fills our body. The most important quality of qi is that it can be wasted (for example, hard work, a lot of physical stress or illness), replenished (through breathing and meditation exercises, right livelihood, certain food) to come to a state of imbalance, damage to the body (in anger ,any strong feelings and experiences), oppressed (long dream or, conversely, lack of sleep, overeating), etc.
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When a person feels what is usually called “loss of strength” in the Eastern tradition it can be explained through the term “lack of qi” or “chi oppression.” Any disease, so called qi imbalance in one or another part of the human body. Consequently, the most important task of any eastern healing system is to bring the state of Qi in peace and harmony.
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According to traditional concepts of oriental medicine, qi circulates in the body (and fills it) with specific energy channels or meridians. In a healthy body qi circulates freely in the body without the slightest delay, but in case of illness or some ailments arise so-called “delay” in the free circulation of qi. This may be due to any disease as, for example, and excessive mental stress, overexertion, and other factors.

Qigong classes at the first stage designed to eliminate various types of imbalances in the circulation of qi, and the next stages – contribute to the accumulation of qi in the body.

However, this can not be done once and for all. Usually during the day a person has to experience different kinds of stress: the need to perform tasks associated with difficult decisions, exercise, and even improper or excessive nutrition can permanently cause blockage of qi. So there is a sense of inner discomfort, undue anxiety, nervousness, loss of focus. Imbalance can also be caused and socializing with some people who can have a negative impact on your condition. Thus, it is necessary to regularly chant “recovery” qigong sessions. For example, the morning classes “charge” the body in front of a working day, in the evening once again lead the internal qi in a resting state.

For the people of the Western tradition is not always easy to imagine the circulation of qi in the body. Moreover, sometimes the Eastern tradition carriers themselves unable to do so. Qigong is establishing proper circulation of qi is not so much due to the visual representation of the flow of qi in the body, but rather because of the correct, relaxed position and well-defined sequence of movements. This simplicity is a huge advantage over other systems of qigong.

Feeling Qi, and then feeling the circulation of qi will come by itself during the exercise, it should not be artificially stimulated, because you can cause abnormal sensation, not directly related to the circulation of qi, and subconsciously fix it.

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